The project was, as expected, not without its challenges. Due to the sloped lot and existing property, digging into the side of the hill was a significant logistical issue. The foundation had to be maintained to prevent the bank from collapsing, and the mud and clay ground threatened to spread and loosen.
Additionally, consistent, challenging weather conditions and unfortunate time delays caused the project to be both ambitious and risky.
We believe that anything worth doing is worth doing right. So, through careful planning by our competent project manager and experienced foreman, we overcame the challenges of this difficult build and presented a stunning finished product to our clients.
To prevent the bank from collapsing, we set up additional temporary retaining walls and laid out gap40 rock aggregate around the site to limit the spread of mud and clay. The ground crew were fantastic as always, with careful attention to detail and an equally strong desire to see this beautiful old villa restored with new life.